<style>.lazy{display:none}</style> Grade 11 Physics (SPH3U) - York Region Tutoring - Math, Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics), English

Grade 11 Physics (SPH3U)

What will you learn:  
Academic, IB, AP, Enriched

Subject Status:

Currently accepting new students!

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Overview of Grade 11 Physics (SPH3U)

In Grade 11 Physics, students explore topics in Kinematics with an emphasis on linear & projectile motion, Newtonian Dynamics, Energy Transformations, Nuclear Reactions, Mechanical Waves (sound), Electricity and Magnetism.  Student needs in this course are wide and varied, with recurring patterns of difficulty experienced in Kinematics, Dynamics and Energy Transformations.

Dynamics is one topic that students often complete with unresolved misconceptions. In their qualitative and quantitative investigation of net force and its relationship to acceleration and mass, students become inundated with so many mathematical calculations that they forget the reasoning that undergirds those calculations. While we do prioritize completing homework/assignment questions successfully, our tutors work with students to instill in them the kind of thorough understanding necessary to attack higher level, performance task-type problems.

Further, students must use trigonometry to solve questions in non-uniform linear motion in two-dimensions. This requires them to have been successful in their studies of Grade 10 Trigonometry and then to apply that success to the novel concepts brought forth in the Kinematics unit. Before tutoring this unit, we ensure that the foundational mathematics skills required to approach Kinematics are strong. While approaching homework questions and assignments using the 5 learned Kinematics Equations, we teach students to understand the origins of those equations. That way, they do not employ wrote memorization to complete questions (which can cause systemic problems come test and exam day).

For more detailed information regarding this Grade 11 Physics course, visit the Ontario Ministry of Education Website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-education

GRADE 11 PHYSICS University Breakdown

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  • Motion involves a change in the position of an object over time.

  • Motion can be described using mathematical relationships.
  • Many technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics have societal and environmental implications.
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  • Forces can change the motion of an object.

  • Applications of Newton’s laws of motion have led to technological developments that affect society and the environment.
Energy and Society
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  • Energy can be transformed from one type to another.

  • Energy transformation systems often involve thermal energy losses and are never 100% efficient.
  • Although technological applications that involve energy transformations can affect society and the environment in positive ways, they can also have negative effects, and therefore must be used responsibly.
Waves and Sound
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  • Mechanical waves have specific characteristics and predictable properties.

  • Sound is a mechanical wave.
  • Mechanical waves can affect structures, society, and the environment in positive and negative ways.
Electricity and Magnetism
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  • Electricity and Magnetism Relationships between electricity and magnetism are predictable.

  • Electricity and magnetism have many technological applications.
  • Technological applications that involve electromagnetism and energy transformations can affect society and the environment in positive and negative ways.


York Region Tutoring Provides

Write Past Tests

If a student is approaching a forthcoming test, we can provide them with a previous test to be completed at home before their upcoming session. Subsequently, during their next class, just before the exam, they can review the test with their tutor. These tests are exclusively sourced from high schools in York Region and other areas in Ontario, serving as the definitive benchmark for students to assess their readiness.

We Come To Class Prepared

York Region Tutors and are equipped with drawing tablets making collaboration simple, efficient and effective. We also offer drawing tablets at a discount for purchase to students who really take to the functionality of the product.

YRDSB-Minded Homework

At the parents' request, following each tutoring session, our tutors can assign homework tailored to address weaknesses and reinforce strengths in students. Additionally, we incorporate homework questions directly extracted from previous tests and quizzes administered by YRDSB school teachers, allowing students to familiarize themselves with potential test questions.
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